The Importance of Middle School Grades in College Admissions


Kate Sliunkova

AdmitYogi, Stanford MBA & MA in Education



10 min read

The Importance of Middle School Grades in College Admissions

Middle school can often feel like a transitional phase with its own unique set of challenges and responsibilities. It can be easy for students, parents, and educators alike to focus more on high school and the college admissions process that follows it. However, it is important to recognize the long-term impact that middle school performance can have on a student’s academic journey. In this article, we will explore the role of middle school grades in college admissions and provide tips for how students can set themselves up for success both in middle school and beyond.

Understanding the Role of Middle School Grades in College Admissions

Before diving into the specifics of how middle school performance can impact college admissions, let’s first review the overall college admissions process.

The College Admissions Process: A Brief Overview

When it comes to college admissions, the process can be overwhelming and confusing. There are many factors that colleges and universities consider when making admissions decisions. These factors often include high school performance (including grades and test scores), extracurricular activities, community involvement, and personal essays. Some schools may also consider factors such as legacy status, geographic location, and diversity.

It's important to note that while these factors are all important, each college or university may weigh them differently. For example, one school may place a greater emphasis on extracurricular activities, while another may prioritize test scores.

How Middle School Grades Factor into Admissions Decisions

While high school grades remain the most significant factor in college admissions decisions, middle school performance can still play a role. Colleges and universities may consider middle school grades as one indicator of a student’s academic potential and work ethic.

It's important to note that middle school grades are not the only indicator of a student's potential. Admissions counselors also look at factors such as a student's extracurricular activities, community involvement, and personal essays to get a more holistic view of who the student is and what they can bring to the college or university community.

Additionally, high school admissions counselors may take into account overall trends in a student’s academic performance, including middle school grades, when evaluating their application. For example, if a student struggled in middle school but showed significant improvement in high school, this could be seen as a positive sign of growth and determination.

In conclusion, while middle school grades are not the only factor in college admissions decisions, they can still play a role in demonstrating a student's academic potential and work ethic. It's important for students to take their middle school performance seriously and strive for success in all areas of their academic and personal lives.

The Long-Term Impact of Middle School Performance

So, why exactly are middle school grades important? While they may not be the determining factor in college admissions decisions, middle school performance can have significant long-term effects on a student’s academic journey and ultimate success.

Building a Strong Academic Foundation

Middle school lays the foundation for a student’s future academic performance. Developing strong study habits, time management skills, and a growth mindset during this time can set a student up for success once they enter high school. This, in turn, can lead to higher grades, more impressive extracurricular accomplishments, and ultimately a stronger college application.

During middle school, students are exposed to a variety of subjects and topics that will form the basis of their future academic pursuits. By performing well in these subjects, students can build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that will serve them well in high school and beyond. For example, a student who excels in middle school math classes is more likely to succeed in advanced math courses in high school and college.

Furthermore, middle school is a time when students begin to explore their interests and passions. By developing a strong academic foundation during this time, students can pursue their interests with greater depth and focus in high school and college.

Developing Effective Study Habits and Time Management Skills

Middle school is also a critical time for students to develop effective study habits and time management skills. These skills can help students balance academic and extracurricular commitments, manage their workload, and prioritize their responsibilities. Students who struggle to develop these skills in middle school may struggle to keep up with academic demands in high school and beyond.

Effective study habits and time management skills are essential for academic success in high school and college. Students who are able to manage their time effectively are better equipped to handle the demands of a rigorous academic schedule, as well as extracurricular activities and other responsibilities. By developing these skills in middle school, students can set themselves up for success in all areas of their lives.

Fostering a Growth Mindset and Resilience

Finally, middle school is a critical time for students to develop a growth mindset and build resilience. Students who face challenges and setbacks during this time can learn invaluable lessons about perseverance and overcoming obstacles. These skills can help them navigate the challenges of high school and college with confidence.

A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. By fostering a growth mindset in middle school, students can develop a love of learning and a willingness to take on new challenges. This, in turn, can lead to greater academic success in high school and college.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity. Middle school can be a challenging time for many students, as they navigate the transition from childhood to adolescence. By developing resilience during this time, students can learn to overcome obstacles and challenges with grace and determination. This, in turn, can help them succeed in high school and beyond.

Extracurricular Activities and Middle School Success

While middle school grades are important, they are not the only factor that plays a role in a student’s overall success. Extracurricular activities can also have a significant impact on a student’s academic journey.

The Benefits of Participating in Extracurricular Activities

Participating in extracurricular activities can have a number of benefits for middle school students. These activities can teach valuable life skills, such as teamwork, leadership, and time management. They can also help students explore their passions and interests, build their resumes, and make new friends.

For example, if a student is interested in journalism, they might join the school newspaper. Through this extracurricular activity, they can learn how to write articles, conduct interviews, and work with a team to produce a publication. This experience can help them develop important skills that will be valuable in their future academic and professional pursuits.

Similarly, if a student is interested in sports, they might join a middle school sports team. Through this extracurricular activity, they can learn how to work with others towards a common goal, develop their physical fitness, and learn important lessons about perseverance and dedication.

Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars in Middle School

While extracurricular activities can be valuable, it is important for middle school students to balance their academic commitments with their extracurricular pursuits. Students who prioritize their academic performance while still making time for meaningful extracurricular activities will be better equipped for success in high school and beyond.

One way that students can balance their academic and extracurricular commitments is by creating a schedule. By setting aside specific times for studying, attending classes, and participating in extracurricular activities, students can ensure that they are making time for all of their important commitments. Additionally, they can work with their teachers and coaches to ensure that they are not overextending themselves and that they are able to maintain a healthy balance between their academic and extracurricular pursuits.

Furthermore, students should also make sure that they are pursuing extracurricular activities that they are truly passionate about. This will not only make the experience more enjoyable, but it will also help students stay motivated and engaged, even when things get tough.

In conclusion, extracurricular activities can play a valuable role in a middle school student’s academic journey. By participating in these activities, students can develop important life skills, explore their passions, and make new friends. However, it is important for students to balance their academic commitments with their extracurricular pursuits, and to prioritize their academic performance above all else.

Preparing for High School and Beyond

Finally, middle school is an important time for students to begin preparing for high school and college. There are a number of steps that students can take during this time to set themselves up for long-term success.

Selecting the Right High School Courses

Students should carefully consider the courses they take in high school and how those courses will align with their ultimate academic and professional goals. By researching potential majors and careers early on, students can begin to identify the courses and activities that will best prepare them for success.

Planning for College Entrance Exams

High school students will typically take one or more college entrance exams, such as the SAT or ACT. Students who begin preparing for these exams early on, through studying and practice tests, can increase their chances of success and potentially improve their college admissions prospects.

Researching Colleges and Majors Early On

Finally, middle school students can begin researching colleges and majors that interest them. This can help students identify what types of grades, test scores, and extracurricular accomplishments are typically required for admission to those schools.

Supporting Your Middle Schooler's Academic Journey

Parents and educators play an important role in supporting middle school students as they navigate this critical time. By providing a supportive environment, resources, and encouragement, parents and educators can help students build the skills and habits they need to succeed both in middle school and beyond.

Encouraging a Love for Learning

One of the most important things parents and educators can do is encourage a love for learning. By showing students the joy and excitement that can come from exploring new topics and ideas, parents and educators can help students develop a lifelong passion for education.

Communicating with Teachers and Counselors

Parents and educators should also make an effort to communicate with the student’s teachers and counselors. These professionals can provide valuable insights into a student’s academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as recommendations for how parents and educators can support the student’s academic journey.

Providing Resources and Opportunities for Growth

Finally, parents and educators should provide students with resources and opportunities for growth, such as books, online courses, and extracurricular activities. By fostering a culture of learning and growth, parents and educators can help set students up for success in middle school, high school, and beyond.


While middle school performance may not be the most significant factor in college admissions decisions, it is still an important part of a student’s academic journey. By understanding the role that middle school grades and extracurricular activities can play in long-term success, parents and educators can help set students up for success in middle school, high school, and beyond.

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